1)“Water Station” scenic design by “Lee” Xinyuan Li at UMass Amherst
2)“Sweat” scenic design by Calypso Michelet at UMass Amherst
3-6) “Notre Dame de Paris” (the French version of “The Hunchback of Notre Dame” musical theoretical scenic design by Calypso Michelet in the Park Avenue Armory
7-8) “Twelfth Night” scenic design by Drishti Chauhan at UMass Amherst
9) “Long Day’s Journey Into Night” theoretical scenic design by “Lee” Xinyuan Li for the Schoenfeld Theatre, NYC, winner of 2nd place at the Southeastern Theater Conference
10) “Into the Woods” scenic design by Drishti Chauhan at UMass Amherst
11-13) “Dream Play” scenic design by “Lee” Xinyuan Li at UMass Amherst
14) “The Hatmaker’s Wife” scenic design by Drishti Chauhan at UMass Amherst
15-18) “Hero” theoretical stage adaptation of Chinese epic film by “Lee” Xinyuan Li for the Beijing Grand National Theatre
19-20) “The Monument of Connection” by Calypso Michelet at UMass Amherst, part of “Monuments of the Future”
21) “The Monument of Remembrance” by Calypso Michelet at UMass Amherst, part of “Monuments of the Future”
22-23) “Bluebeard’s Castle” theoretical scenic design by “Lee” Xinyuan Li
24-26) “Midsummer Night’s Dream” theoretical scenic design by “Lee” Xinyuan Li for Syracuse University Storch Theatre
27-28) “Marie-Antoinette” theoretical scenic design by Calypso Michelet
29) “Dance Nation” scenic design by Drishti Chauhan at UMass Amherst
30) “Snowflakes” scenic design by “Lee” Xinyuan Li at UMass Amherst
31) “Emilie: La Marquise du Châtelet Defends Her Life Tonight” theoretical scenic design by Drishti Chauhan for UMass Amherst Curtain Theater
32) “Everybody” theoretical scenic design by Drishti Chauhan for UMass Amherst
33) “Cherry Orchard” theoretical scenic design by Drishti Chauhan for UMass Amherst
34-35) “Sweeney Todd” theoretical scenic design by Drishti Chauhan for UMass Amherst
36) “Wicked” theoretical scenic design by Drishti Chauhan for UMass Amherst
37) “Orlando” scenic design by Drishti Chauhan for UMass Amherst