The You-Cube is a tiny, annually re-usable performance space on a campus near you, which welcomes anyone in the university community to create a tiny show for audience peering through cracks in its walls. This accessible and sustainable model of making and experiencing performance, will break down many of the barriers associated with traditional Theater - cultural, financial, and architectural - by platforming a variety of uses and users for an UN-captive audience. By reducing the scale of a full-length show to a smaller envelope (5-10 minute performances in an 11’ x 11’ playing space), the You-Cube not only invites experienced performers but also offers access to those who don’t typically engage with traditional theater but have a need to be seen and heard. Any passerby attracted by the mystery inside of the You-Cube can access the inspiring outpouring of multi-disciplinary and experimental expression from the University community. This is a new place for Students, Staff, and Faculty of different disciplinary persuasions to play around with performance and observation.
Collaborator #1: Dramaturg Harley Erdman.
Model of the You-Cube: interior.
Model of the You-Cube: interior
Sketches of intermediate prep versions of the You-Cube:
Sketch of a test version of the You-Cube incorporated into the bus stop at the Mill District, Amherst, MA.
Sketch of a test version of the You-Cube incorporated into the fence at the Mill District, Amherst, MA.
Working on promo video about the You-Cube with film maker Perry Hallinan.